How to Safely Store Roof Trusses Onsite

Roof trusses, aber roof truss factory facility


When it comes to construction building projects, the proper storage of building materials is crucial for maintaining their structural integrity. Roof trusses, in particular, play a vital role in supporting the roof structure. Safely storing roof trusses on site is essential to ensure they remain in optimal condition until they are ready for installation. In this guide, we’ll explore key considerations and practical tips for the secure storage of roof trusses.


The Importance of Proper Storage

Roof trusses are often made from wood or metal and are designed to bear significant loads. Improper storage can compromise their structural integrity, leading to defects or deformities that may affect the overall stability of the roof. By following safe storage practices, you not only protect your investment but also contribute to the long-term durability to the entire structure. 


Select the Right Location

Start by choosing an appropriate location on the construction site for truss storage. Look for a flat, well-drained area that is clear of debris, rocks, and any other potential hazards. The chosen area should provide a stable foundation for the trusses.


Elevate the Trusses

It’s important to keep the trusses off the ground to prevent direct contact with moisture. Use wooden blocks or similar supports to elevate the trusses. This will reduce the risk of rot or rust developing on the trusses’ bottom surfaces.

Protect from the Elements 

Roof trusses are vulnerable to damage from rain, snow, and direct sunlight. Cover them with tarps or weatherproof material to shield them from the weather. Ensure that the coverings are securely fastened to prevent wind from lifting them and exposing the trusses. 


Stack Trusses Neatly

When stacking trusses, do so neatly and evenly. Avoid overloading the stack as excessive weight can lead to damage to the trusses at the bottom of the pile. Proper stacking helps prevent twisting or warping. 


Provide Ventilation

Allow for adequate ventilation between the trusses. Good ventilation prevents the accumulation of condensation, which can lead to moisture-related problems over time.


Label and Organise 

Label each truss clearly for easy identification. Organise the trusses in a way that allows you to access the specific ones you need for installation without disturbing others in the stack.


Protection from Construction Activities

Make sure that the stored trusses are protected from construction activities. Heavy equipment or materials should not accidentally damage them. Create a designated area for truss storage that minimises the risk of interference. 

Regular Inspections

Periodically inspect the stored trusses for any signs of damage or moisture. Address any issues you discover promptly to prevent further deterioration. Properly storing roof trusses on-site is essential to protect your investment and ensure that they remain in good condition until they are read to be installed in the building. 


Delivery of Roof Trusses

The delivery of roof trusses should be arranged as close to the installation date as possible to minimise storage onsite. At Aber Roof Truss, we work on a “just in time” basis to reduce your need for long-term storage and keep your trusses in top condition for longer. 


Contact our team of experts who are always ready to offer guidance and expertise, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience for every client.